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Our Training

DiMeN is a diverse, interdisciplinary community of researchers across the North of England researching the major health problems facing the world today.


Our partner institutions (Universities of Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, York and Sheffield) are internationally recognised as centres of research excellence that can offer you highly specialised expertise from supervisory teams and access to state-of-the-art facilities to deliver high impact research.

We are very proud of our student-centred ethos and committed to supporting you throughout your PhD. As part of the DTP, we offer bespoke training in key skills sought after in early career researchers, as well as opportunities to broaden your career horizons in a range of non-academic sectors. 


Our programme of core training offers four specialist events per year as valuable opportunities to benefit from peer support and build a professional network with our community of DiMeN researchers.

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A breadth of training opportunities from single molecules to the patient

Join a community of over 140 PhD students across the North of England for peer support throughout your PhD

Up to 40 fully funded 

studentships each year

Cutting edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities to deliver world-class results

Being funded by the MRC means you can access additional funding for research placements, international training opportunities or internships in science policy, science communication

and beyond.

Further information on the programme and how to apply can be found on our website.

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